Industry Insights

Accepting Nominations: 2019 Excellence in Resourcefulness Awards

In partnership with Frost & Sullivan, Itron is now accepting nominations for the 2019 Excellence in Resourcefulness Awards. Presented on Oct. 11 at Itron Utility Week in Marco Island, Florida, the awards recognize utilities who are committed to the sustainable use of energy and water.

The award categories include:

  • Excellence in Resourcefulness – Energy: This award recognizes either an Investor Owned Utility (IoU) or municipal’s ability to conduct successful technology implementation and behavioral change, producing results in reducing significant waste of electricity.
  • Excellence in Resourcefulness – Water: This award applauds a utility’s method for addressing resourcefulness through the implementation of behavioral change and technology implementation that results in significant reduction of water usage and water waste.

Frost & Sullivan will select a winner in each category after conducting in-depth research, interviews and evaluating utilities against industry best practices. Decision criteria for each category includes societal and business impact.

Considerations for societal impact include improving customer awareness and participation, creating changes to reduce waste through technology and consumer engagement and waste reduction outcomes that benefit the community. Business impact factors include a clear vision to reduce waste through technology implementation, achieving operational effectiveness as the result of a successful sustainability strategy and positioning a utility’s brand’s image as a leader in sustainability.

Nominations can be submitted here until July 29, 2019 at 9 p.m. PDT.

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