Stuart McMenamin

Dr. J. Stuart McMenamin is the Managing Director of Forecasting at Itron, where he specializes in the fields of energy economics, statistical modeling, and software development. Over the last 35 years, he has managed numerous projects in the areas of system load forecasting, price forecasting, retail load forecasting, end-use modeling, regional modeling, load shape development, and utility data analysis. In addition to directing large analysis projects, Dr. McMenamin directs the development of Itron’s forecasting software products (MetrixND, MetrixLT, Forecast Manager, and Itron Load Research System). Prior to these efforts, he directed the development and support of the EPRI end-use models (REEPS, COMMEND, and INFORM). Related to this work, Dr. McMenamin is the author of several dozen papers relating to statistical modeling, energy forecasting, and the application of neural networks to data analysis problems. In prior jobs, Dr. McMenamin conducted research in the telecommunications industry, worked on the President's Council of Wage and Price Stability under the Carter Administration, and lectured in economics at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. McMenamin received his B.A. in Mathematics and Economics from Occidental College and his Ph.D. in Economics from UCSD.


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